Kirtan In The Park

On a nice summers day in the Hawkes Bay, devotees met at the Napier Botanical Gardens for satsang, kirtan, and Krishna prasadam in the park. The devotees sheltered under the sun umbrellas on the grass while Krishna Kirtan Prabhu played the Mridanga and lead the chanting, Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi and the other devotees followed in repetition.
After that all the devotees took a turn at reading a page from the book 'Dignity Of The Divine Servant' which propogated some of the unlimited glories of Srila Sridhar Maharaja, Srila Govinda Maharaja, and Srila Swami Maharaja Prabhupada. It was so nice to be able to hear the glories of the great Maha Bhagavats amongst the devotees.
Nitai the dog came along for the occasion and seemed to have a great time in the gardens while the devotees sang and honoured Krishna prasadam. The prasadam was nectarian, the vegetable subji and rice with pappadams was simply glorious, the boysenberry and apple pie with cream was heavenly to say the least.
A big thank you to all the devotees who could made it to satsang, a big thanks to those who attempted to come but who couldnt make it due to circumstances also.
Another great day in the Bay!
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Hare Krishna!