All the devotees were kindly invited to Satsang, a spiritual gathering at Tom Prabhu and his wife Traceys Didis house.
The night started with an amazing talk by Srila Bhakti Asraya Kesava Maharaja, he answered many questions that sincere seekers/ devotees had concerning Krishna Consciousness matters and shared with us some information about his lifes journey on the Holy path. The night continued with an amazing kirtan led by Maharaja, and afterwards all the devotees got to lead for a while , while the rest of the devotees followed in sync.
Prasadam was amazing and was served out afterwards by Tracey Didi, Tom Prabhu, and Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi.
It was so inspiring to see how enthusiastic everyone was to chant. When we first entered the house one of the small toddlers was walking around with a bead bag in hand trying to imitate chanting. Such a nice Krishna Conscious family we have in Hawkes Bay. Thank you so much Tom Prabhu and Tracey Didi for all your kind hospitality. You have a wonderful family.
Hare Krishna!