Early Australian Summer Tour 2015
Srila B A Keshava Maharaja's early Australian summer tour.
The Australian devotees were very happy to have the association of Srila B A Keshava Maharaja. Maharaja brought inspiration and encouragement to all the devotees which made the environment very conducive for surrender unto the divine wave of Krishna Consciousness. Srila B A Keshava Maharaja visited various devotees while he was visiting Australia and gave both Harinam and Gayatri initiations to selected devotees.
Cintamani Devi Dasi, Lila Shakti, Lilamrta, and Lalita Bhakti all took first or Harinam initiation.
Arjuna Prabhu, Jahnavi Devi Dasi and Cintamani Devi Dasi all took second or Gayatri initiation. There was a fire yajna held for Arjuna Prabhu who took the sacred thread.
Srila B A keshava Maharajas brother Rory and wife Meta arrived from Ocean shores and enjoyed the inspiring association of all the devotees,
All devotees had a wonderful time and are anxiously awaiting Maharaja's reappearance in Australia in the very near future.
All glories to Srila B A Keshava Maharaja for making this all possible.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
All glories to all our Masters!
Dayal Nitai!