Gayatri Initiation Ceremony Of Krishna Kirtan Prabhu And Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi.
On the auspicious day of 28th of February, the celebration date of Adhivas festival, celebrating the parikram of Sri Navadvipa Dham, the devotees gathered at Jayananda Prabhu's house for the Gayatri initiations of Krishna Kirtan Prabhu and Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi.
The devotees met up at Jayananda Prabhu's house Late Saturday morning to assemble the platform for the fire yajna and to arrange the... offerings for the yajna.
When the fire yajna platform was set up Srila B A Keshava Maharaja gave the sacred Gayatri mantra to Krishna kirtan Prabhu and Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi.
The fire yajna was spectacular! Srila Keshava Maharaja chanted mantras to invoke deities into the ceremony, then Srila Keshava Maharaja and Krishna kirtan Prabhu chanted mantras and offered items including, ghee and rice into the fire. Soon afterwards Krishna Kirtan Prabhu received his Brahmana thread from Srila Keshava Maharaja and followed the proper rituals and procedures for receiving the sacred thread.
Everyone was so inspired to see Krishna kirtan Prabhu and Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi take Gayatri initiation, such an important step in their spiritual lives. It was wonderful to see these two great souls surrendering deeper to Guru and Gauranga and their instructions.
It was wonderful to see Jayananda Prabhu, Navadvipa Canda Prabhu, Abhimanyu Prabhu, Shyama Priya Devi Dasi, James Prabhu, Ceceilia Didi, Stephen, and also Jayananda Prabhu's wife and children help to celebrate this very important and sacred occasion.
After the yajna the devotees all honoured wonderful prasadam cooked by all the devotees for Guru Gauranga! There was subji, marinated curd steaks, apple and boysenberry crumble, sweet rice and peach pie, all very delicious.
To finish off Srila B A Keshava Mahraja had a nice talk on the glories of his revered Gurus, Srila Govinda Maharaja and Srila Sridhar Maharaja. He also spoke on Krishna, Lord Chaitanya and also the yuga dham, Harinam sankirtan. All the devotees had a wonderful day packed full of lots of seva (service) and hearing and chanting.
Following that there was a lovely kirtan.
A big thanks to Srila B A Keshava Maharaja for all his affectionate guidance and mercy on this special occasion and for making this all possible, also a big thanks to his Gurus, Srila Govinda Maharaja, Srila Sridhar Maharaja and Srila Swami Maharaja Prabhupada.
A big thanks also to all the assembled devotees who turned up to celebrate this special occasion. A huge thanks also to Jayananda Prabhu and his wife for being so hospitable and for letting the devotees engage his house and backyard in the service of the Lord, and for being so kind to all the devotees.
A big congratulations to Krishna Kirtan Prabhu and Madhurya Lila Devi Dasi who by Maharaja's grace are now Brahmana Vaishnavas.
All glories to Srila B A Keshava Maharaja and his Gurus!
All glories to all the assembled devotees!